
From Bill Dayton... “We Do Church Differently!”

Words to Live By...
We Do Church Differently!”
In the last several years it has become the practice of some churches to use “message” sign boards. To be honest, some of the sayings used are thought-provoking for those who feel a devotion to God. However, some of the more recent “messages” appear more of an effort to compete with other churches to see who can be the “cutest”. As a result, some of the most inane things we could ever read attack our vision. A local one read. You can’t have Christmas without Christ. Truthfully, you can’t have any day without Christ...Amen?
 I heard of another one that read, “We Do Church Differently”. Two thoughts came to my mind about a “church” who would come up with such a message for their sign:
First, “doing church”? What in the world does that mean? What purpose does it serve to drag worship down to such a level? It’s not only disrespectful of the purpose God intends for worship, but also is just downright “silly”.
Secondly, to claim to “do” differently carries with it the idea that this church seeks to approach worship of God in a way different from “mainstream” religion – that even the denominational perversions of the Bible aren’t enough. But no departure from God’s truth is acceptable even when it’s an effort to attract greater numbers of “worshippers”. Gal.1:6-9
Basically, this church has missed the point of why we worship God – not to “do” as we please, but to please God, as he prescribes in His Word. It is not to entertain us, but to praise Him – It is not to make a church more acceptable to the world, but to conform the world to His standard.
This church may be “cute” – and without a doubt it lives up to its message and “does church differently – but different from the first century church of the New Testament is not better – it’s condemning . Our sign says, The Owenton church of Christ. This tells the community WHERE we are and WHO we belong to….Christ! There are too many “churches “that wear the name of their founder. We wear the name Christian …”In Christ.” If that was good enough for the first century Christians, it better be good enough for 21st Century Christians..

Till He Comes….Bill.