
From Gary... Off to a great start???

Why?  Why would someone make such a creepy cake? I don't have an answer, but just look at the cake. The wife still has her arms open, so she probably didn't do the deed; so who did?  A former someone who just couldn't take the marriage; maybe even an inlaw who really didn't want him in the family.  I suppose it could be any one of a thousand reasons, but to me the most likely is that someone just wanted to be different and make a "statement" at their wedding reception.   If this is true- what a marriage they are going to have!!!  Its hard not to look at this and not think of the following passage of Scripture...

Ephesians, Chapter 5
22  Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.  23 For the husband is the head of the wife, and Christ also is the head of the assembly, being himself the savior of the body.  24 But as the assembly is subject to Christ, so let the wives also be to their own husbands in everything. 

Love, respect and marriage.  Necessary, important and appropriate even today.  Christ gave everything for his followers and they owe him everything.  So it is in the marriage relationship.  God gave leadership to the husband and not to the wife.  However, this is a LOVING LEADERSHIP!!!  Anything less leads to disharmony and eventual chaos.  Hopefully, the wedding cake was just a joke (a very poor one, though) and both parties to the union have the others best interest at heart!!!!  Men, take note- remember to give her leadership that is based on genuine committed love!!! If not, you are headed for BIG TROUBLE!!!