
From Gary... WHATEVER

I wonder... what do animals appreciate?  Since we acquired a couple of dogs, I have noticed how much they love affection, walks and compliments for doing "good" behavior, but what about other things?  Clouds, a sunset or the smell of a fragrant flower?  Well the last part of the questions seems to be answered by the picture, but as for the rest, who knows?  One thing seems certain, WE (human beings) ARE WHAT WE THINK ABOUT REGULARLY!!! Its no wonder then, that the apostle Paul could write these words to the Philippians...

Philippians, Chapter 4
 8  Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honorable, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there is any virtue, and if there is any praise, think about these things.  

We are what we choose to be.  We may have been "programmed" by our past experiences, but we CAN CHANGE.  How?  Our thinking!!!  Which is why I devote so much time to putting together a daily Bible Reading and Study post each day.  The things Paul is referring to are concepts acquired from God.  Doubt that?  Then ask yourself- How do I know good from evil?  Apart from the standards found in the scriptures, everything is open to interpretation.  During World War II, the death squads thought they were doing the right thing in killing thousands upon thousands in the Ukraine. If they had just thought about "thou shalt not kill", then things might have been different.  Anyway, good thoughts produce goodness.  Evil propagates itself as well- so be careful what you think about.  Take some time today, relax and smell the Roses- OK, yellow flowers will work too!!! Whatever you do - try to do good- you will be glad you did!!!