
From Gary... How you doin'?

Sunday was interesting.  I led Sunday morning singing (if you can believe that one!!!) and Larry Shatzer did the sermon.  He made mention of his belief in how simple a person he was (several times) and I believe him.  He is very intelligent however and to be able to preach at his advanced age is a blessing to all who hear him.  It occurred to me that in some ways my life has become simple as well.  Watering Linda's plants, feeding the birds, taking the dogs for their daily walks and all the other mundane tasks (except for writing this little blog) I do daily have become a matter of routine.  And while I was talking with my good friend Harry yesterday, I realized that friendship means wanting to know how things are with the other person. Paul puts it this way...

Philippians, Chapter 2
 19  But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, that I also may be cheered up when I know how you are doing. 

Having said all of the above: generically, I am fine.  My neck has been giving me problems the last few days, but the chiropractor should take care of that this morning.  Linda is in New York, visiting her family and the dogs are good dogs.  The white one, Buddy, has calmed down some.  When other dogs approach, I often pick him up and he calms down.  The Apricot Red one, Pal, hasn't made a mess in the house for some time now.  (It is strange that as long as I leave the leash attached to him there are no problems.)  The picture at the top is of the intersection of Brahman / Palamino and in the distance you can see the dog walk. Currently, I have made over 5 thousand posts (between the two blogs), with about 97 thousand hits.  Frankly, it is not much fun getting old, but there are rewards.  I really don't make the same stupid, stupid mistakes I did in youth and life makes more sense than ever. And, lest I forget, heaven is that much closer.  Well, that is what is happening with me.  If we have  not communicated in a while - call, write, email, text- whatever.  I would love to know how you are doing....