Booze and AIDS
Now the booze industry is issuing warning to "binge" drinkers. And on the online news this morning (1/12/04) we heard they were particularly addressing "Jekkyl and Hyde" women that "binge" drink. This is another one of the buzz words. The booze problem is always laid at the feet of someone else—never the booze industry that makes the stuff that "binge" drinkers are made of. You understand that they’re not talking about the girls and fellas who stagger home quietly several times a week over the weekend, drunk but not troublesome. They’re talking about those that stagger home drunk and on the way create problems, beat the blood out of one another in the street, lie in the gutter or smash up things.
The booze people don’t mind how often you get drunk just so long as you don’t bring their reputation as sellers of poison into question. If you do that they call you names, like "binger" or "Jekkyl & Hyde". The most abused drug in the world—alcohol! The first thing the booze hits is your power to discriminate—but the booze-makers hold you responsible for not discriminating. Everybody is to be blamed for the havoc in society in general and in the home in particular—everybody, that is, except the booze industry! I had a man tell me that the problem lay in those who couldn’t and wouldn’t control their booze intake. I had a woman tell me the same thing about cocaine. So the booze people feverishly sell the poison and the government spends multiplied millions of dollars/stirling trying to keep up with the social carnage.
In light of the deaths, maiming, abuse, deprivation, crime, destruction of families and the rest that comes with booze isn’t it almost laughable to hear the ranting and raving about passive smoking here in the UK?
People are being hurt by others smoking? And we can pass laws against smoking because it hurts non-smokers? And say nothing about the millions hurt by booze? Obviously it isn't only booze that takes away our discrimination.
Do you know what keeps this from being humorous? It’s the tragedy that those in power are serious!
And we’ve just heard that the UK is going to put £300 million into fighting sexually transmitted diseases and at the top of their list is HIV-AIDS.
No one anywhere has proved that the (alleged) HIV virus causes any disease of any kind much less the "marker diseases" of what’s called AIDS. (The
"marker" diseases are old problems that have been around long before AIDS was invented.) People in thousands, who are HIV negative, are contracting these alleged marker diseases and not a word about it. Let one be found to be HIV (antibody—not virus) positive and the drums of doom are beaten again and with the fervor of a tent-preacher they talk of "catastrophe on a global scale". It was Zambia a while back and now WHO and their cohorts have interviewed Botswana bosses to lament the AIDS plague.
Meanwhile people die of malnutrition, lack of sanitation, clean water, devoted medical staff, antibiotics and the like. People drone out the stuff and nonsense they’ve been handed by an upper echelon medical fraternity that knows the case hasn’t been established for the HIV-AIDS theory while precious resources are diverted. War-mongering gangs hold little nations to ransom and Western governments keep talking of "sexually transmitted" AIDS. Do take a look at and the links there.