
From Gary... Starting the day off- right!!!

I awoke early this morning and after getting dressed and doing a few other necessary things, I went into the kitchen to make some coffee.  As I looked out the window- there were clouds!!!  Oh, not just ANY clouds, but many of them with every shade of red I could possibly imagine. I suppose this is no really big deal- except that they were beautiful. After I had my coffee I sat down to look at my e-mail and remembered this picture.  So here I am, 6+ hours and I am still thinking of the beauty of God's creation.  Somehow, this lone verse just kept coming to the forefront of my mind...

Genesis, Chapter 1
 31  God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.

From the beauty found in the heavens, to this corporeal reality we call Earth, God does wonderful work. I don't know what you plan to do today, but as for me- I just want to think about it. What about you?