Personally, I don't think I would eat this!!! Just look at that cholesterol!!! But Amour is a big company and they probably wouldn't sell it if there wasn't a market for it. As far as food is concerned, it is one of my favorite (and necessary) things. But, there are more important things, as the Apostle Paul states very plainly in the following passage...
Romans, Chapter 14
12 So then each one of us will give account of himself to God. 13 Therefore let’s not judge one another any more, but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block in his brother’s way, or an occasion for falling. 14 I know, and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of itself; except that to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 Yet if because of food your brother is grieved, you walk no longer in love. Don’t destroy with your food him for whom Christ died. 16 Then don’t let your good be slandered, 17 for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to God and approved by men.
If your brother has a problem with some particular food and won't eat it for religious reasons, don't offend him by eating it. Caring for others is at times more important that concern for yourself. Who knows, pork brains might just taste wonderful. Feeling shy? Get Mikey to eat it; he'll eat anything!!!