For my weight-watchers leader, Kathy..
I remember that Kathy kept asking us (at weight-watchers) this past week: Why are you here? My answer is that I need to try to lose weight and frankly the meetings are a real encouragement for me to think about it- and if I think about it, I will eventually do it. This month, our topic is happiness, because if you are happy, then you make better decisions (including those about food choices). For me, this naturally led to the "Sermon on the mount", in which Jesus said...
Matthew, Chapter 5 (WEB)
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
for they shall be comforted.
for they shall inherit the earth.
for they shall be filled.
for they shall obtain mercy.
for they shall see God.
for they shall be called children of God.
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
At first glance these concepts seem like a contradiction in terms, but they are NOT!!! For openers, "Blessed" is translated happiness by many Bible versions and this is fine. I like "Oh, the wonderful state of the man (with God) instead of "Blessed", but that is just me. Happiness is something that is within you, something the world can never change. Like I said, if God is with you, HAPPINESS is YOURS. You will naturally act upon your surroundings by doing the things that will please God and therefore the picture at the top is appropriate. Then there is that "talking less" part of the picture- that will be a hard one for me!!!
Perhaps there should be an 11th step- be more healthy... humm, I am quite sure that I will hear about THAT ONE at the next WW meeting!!!!