Chapter Nine
In the first year of Darius (539 B.C.), understanding that Jeremiah's
prophecy of 70 years of captivity has been fulfilled (Jer 25:11), Daniel
confesses his nation's sins and prays that God will restore them (1-19).
In response, Gabriel is sent to give Daniel understanding of key events
that will take place in a time period of 70 "weeks" (lit., "sevens"), one
of the most challenging prophecies in the Bible (20-27).
* Daniel's prayer, confessing the sins of his people Israel
* The difficulty in interpreting the vision of seventy weeks
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Daniel's prayer for his people - Dan 9:1-19
- The vision of seventy weeks - Dan 9:20-27
2) What prompted Daniel to pray with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes?
- Jeremiah's prophecy concerning the 70 years of captivity which had
been fulfilled
3) List some of the sins mentioned by Daniel that Israel had committed
- Rebellion, failure to heed the prophets, unfaithfulness, failure to
walk in God's laws
4) What had come upon Israel for their sin? (11-14)
- The curse and oath written in the Law, involving great disaster (cf.
Lev 26:27-45)
5) For what does Daniel pray God regarding Jerusalem and the sanctuary?
- To turn away his anger, cause His face to shine; to hear, forgive,
and not delay
6) Who was caused to fly swiftly to Daniel because of his
supplications? (22-23)
- Gabriel, whom he had seen earlier (cf. Dan 8:16)
7) List six things that were to happen within the period of seventy
"weeks" (24)
- To finish the transgression
- To make an end of sins
- To make reconciliation for iniquity
- To bring in everlasting righteousness
- To seal up vision and prophecy
- To anoint the Most Holy
8) What events would occur in the course of this prophecy's
fulfillment? (25-27)
- A command to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, followed by 69 weeks
- The coming of the Messiah who would in turn be cut off, but not for
- The destruction of the city and the sanctuary with war and
- The confirmation of a covenant with many for one week
- The end to sacrifice and offering in the middle of the week
- The coming of one who with abomination brings desolation upon the
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015