Chapter Nine
Back in Capernaum, Jesus’ ministry in Galilee continued with both
forgiving and healing a paralytic (1-8). Matthew the tax collector was
called to be a disciple, who invited Jesus to his home where He was
questioned by the Pharisees and disciples of John (9-17). Asked by a
ruler to go and raise his dead daughter, Jesus did so, healing a woman
with a flow along the way (18-26). Afterward Jesus healed two blind men
and a man who was both mute and demon-possessed (27-34). He then went
about the region, teaching and healing, moved with compassion for the
multitudes that came to Him (35-38).
* Jesus’ power to forgive sins
* His willingness to eat with sinners
* His compassion for the lost
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Five miracles in Capernaum of Galilee - Mt 9:1-8,18-34
- The call of Matthew and the questions at his house - Mt 9:9-17
- The itinerant teaching and healing in cities and villages - Mt 9:35-38
2) List the five miracles recorded in this chapter (1-8,18-34)
- Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic
- Jesus heals a woman with a flow of blood
- Jesus restores a ruler’s daughter to life
- Jesus heals two blind men
- Jesus heals a man mute and demon-possessed
3) How did Jesus demonstrate His power to forgive sins? (6)
- By healing a paralytic
4) Who was called to be a disciple and then gave a feast at his house?
- Matthew, also known as Levi, author of this gospel (cf. Lk 5:27-29)
5) What two groups confronted Jesus regarding what two issues? (11-17)
- The Pharisees, concerning eating with sinners
- The disciples of John, concerning fasting
6) What explanation did Pharisees give for Jesus’ ability to exorcise
demons? (34)
- "He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons."
7) What moved Jesus to call for prayer for more laborers? (36-38)
- Compassion for the multitudes who were like sheep without a
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2015