Chapter One
1) To understand the divine origin of Paul's apostleship
2) To appreciate the danger of twisting the gospel of Christ
Paul begins his letter to the churches of Galatia immediately
addressing a key issue of the epistle: that he is an apostle "not from
men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ..." (1). Joined by
unnamed brethren, he sends grace and peace from God and Christ, making
reference to the deliverance made possible by Jesus' death for our sins
in keeping with God's will (2-4). This in turns leads to a short
doxology (5).
Without any thanksgiving or prayer for his recipients as found in other
epistles, Paul expresses his amazement that they are so soon turning to
a different gospel being offered by those who wish to pervert the
gospel of Christ (6-7). This is followed by a condemnation repeated
for emphasis of anyone, even an apostle or angel, who would preach a
different gospel than they had already received (8-9). Strong words,
yes, but as a servant of Christ Paul is seeking to please God, not man
The gospel preached by Paul was being twisted by those who challenged
his authority as an apostle. Therefore Paul proceeds to defend both
the gospel and his apostleship by stressing that his gospel was by
revelation, and not from man (11-12). As evidence, Paul relates his
conduct prior to his conversion, and how by the grace of God he was
called to preach the gospel to the Gentiles (13-14). That his gospel
was not from man is supported by the scarcity of opportunities he had
to be around Peter or the other apostles (15-20). In the early years
after his conversion, most of his time was spent in Syria and Cilicia,
with the churches of Judea knowing Paul only by what they heard. And
what they heard led them to glorify God (21-24)!
1. From Paul, an apostle, and those with him, to the churches of
Galatia (1-2)
2. With a desire for them to have grace and peace from God and
Jesus (3)
3. With mention of Christ's sacrifice for our sins, designed to
deliver us from this evil age, in keeping with God's will, to
Whom be glory forever (4-5)
1. He is amazed that they are turning from the One who called
them in the grace of Christ, to a different and perverted
gospel (6-7)
2. A repeated condemnation against anyone (man, apostle, or
angel) who would preach a different gospel than what they had
already received (8-9)
3. Strong words, yes, but coming from one who seeks to serve
Christ, not man (10)
1. His gospel was not according to man, or from man, but directly
from Jesus Christ (11-12)
2. A review of his conduct in Judaism prior to conversion (13-14)
3. Upon his conversion, an act of Divine revelation itself, he
did not confer with man, especially the apostles in Jerusalem
4. But went to Arabia, and then returned to Damascus (17b)
1. After three years he went to Jerusalem to see Peter, and only
then for fifteen days (18)
a. He saw none of the other apostles, except James, the Lord's
brother (19)
b. With a solemn declaration he affirms these things to be
true (20)
2. Then he went to the regions of Syria and Cilicia (21)
a. Remaining unknown by face to the churches of Judea (22)
b. They heard only of his preaching brought about by his
conversion, and they glorified God in him (23-24)
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Introduction (1-10)
- Paul's defense of his apostleship (11-24)
2) In identifying himself as an apostle, what point does Paul stress?
- It was not from men nor through man
- But through Jesus Christ and God the Father
3) To whom is this epistle written? (2)
- To the churches of Galatia
4) Why did Jesus give Himself for our sins? (4)
- That He might deliver us from this present evil age
5) Why did Paul marvel? (6)
- That the Galatians were turning away so soon from God to a
different gospel
6) What were those who were troubling them actually doing? (7)
- Seeking to pervert the gospel of Christ
7) What does Paul say of those who would preach a different gospel?
- Let them be accursed
8) Who was Paul seeking to please? Why? (10)
- God, not man
- Otherwise he would not be a servant of Christ
9) What does Paul stress about the gospel he preached? (11-12)
- It is not according to man (neither received from man, nor was
taught it)
- It came through the revelation of Jesus Christ
10) What did Paul remind them concerning his former conduct in Judaism?
- How he persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it
- How he advanced in Judaism beyond many of his contemporaries
11) Why did God call Paul and reveal His Son in him? (15-16)
- To preach Christ among the Gentiles
12) Where did Paul NOT go after his conversion? (17)
- To Jerusalem and the apostles who were there
13) How long was it before Paul saw any of the apostles in Jerusalem?
Which ones did he see? (18-19)
- Three years
- Peter, and James, the Lord's brother
14) Where did he go then? (21)
- The regions of Syria and Cilicia
15) What three things are said about Paul's connection with the
churches of Judea? (22-24)
- He was unknown by face to them
- They were only hearing about his preaching
- They glorified God because of Paul
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016