
True Happiness Found by Donny Weimar


True Happiness Found

True happiness truly is possible in this life. Researchers have confirmed what Christians have asserted for years. There is "a positive relationship of religion to marital happiness and successful family relationships" (Royce Money in "Building Stronger Families"). This finding does not imply that nonreligious families are inherently prone to unhappiness. But, it does suggest the biblical reality that people of the faith are in a greater position to enjoy one another and life in general. Consider the beatitudes in Matthew 5 for example, where Jesus repeatedly said "Blessed are the…" Even under the most stressful pressures, Christians know a kind of happiness that comes from no other resource but God Himself. True happiness, my friend, is not a fleeting pleasure. No. It is much, much more.
Here are some reasons people of the faith are more capable of such joys. One, Christian families have a greater sense of purpose and meaning. Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes to reveal the wisdom that comes from understanding the vanity of living life in mere pursuit of pleasure and possessions. A new pickup feels new for no more than a year; a new house needs maintenance before a decade elapses, a new job becomes old hat within months. Did you know that more than seventy percent of American marriages begin to break down once the newness wears off? Without a greater meaning, a higher purpose, to our earthly activities, life slips back into a rut again and again. So, the Preacher says at the end: "The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). God provides us with earthly treasures as tools for working spiritual deeds (2 Corinthians 9). Our purpose in this life, yours and mine, is to glorify God. If we live with this aim, all we do has meaning. With this attitude comes eternal, internal happiness.
Two, Christians have support and strength to cope with life stressors. The strongest families attend Bible studies, worship God with the church, and fellowship with other followers of Christ. Consider the Scriptural motives for attending church assemblies: a) Romans 10:17, faith is strengthened from learning the Bible; b) John 4:24, the Lord who bestows blessings desires our worship; c) Hebrews 10:24, we are mutually encouraged to do well. Life can be rough, sometimes really rough. Living to please God and loving people are keys to discovering true happiness. It is not far from any one of us. Consider this fact: Christian families have a support system readily available. Because they regularly interact with people who share like faith, they have others on whom they can lean and share big burdens.
Three, Christians more quickly find forgiveness. It has been estimated that one out of ten people in our country suffers from guilt. Families without God find it more difficult to relinquish grudges and some people find it most challenging to even forgive themselves. The Bible is the greatest instruction manual for finding and bestowing forgiveness. Meditate on the words of this verse: "if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7). The happiness that follows one who walks in the light of life is a "peace that surpasses understanding" (Philippians 4:7).
True happiness truly is possible in this life. Do you want it? Come see us at the church of Christ. We'll show you where we found it.
Donny Weimar

Published in The Old Paths Archive