Chapter One
John begins his first epistle like he does his gospel: with a prologue
regarding the Word of Life (Jesus Christ) who dwelt in the flesh among
men and made fellowship with the Father possible (1-4). Fellowship with
God is maintained as we walk in the light and confess our sins that we
might enjoy continual cleansing through the blood of Jesus (5-10).
* The witness of John concerning the Word of Life
* The nature of the evidence for faith in Jesus
* The basis of our fellowship with God
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- Prologue: The Word of Life - 1Jn 1:1-4
- Fellowship with God - 1Jn 1:5-10
2) How is John’s beginning in this epistle similar to his gospel? (1-4,
cf. Jn 1:1-14)
- Both begin with a prologue regarding the Word who became flesh
3) How does John describe the pre-incarnation of Jesus? (1)
- As "that which was from the beginning"
4) What empirical evidence does John provide concerning the Word? (1)
- He has heard, seen with his eyes, handled with hands
5) What does John declare? What does he want to share? Why does he
write? (2-4)
- Eternal life; fellowship with the Father and His Son; that our joy
may be full
6) What message has John heard that he now declares to us? (5)
- That God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all
7) If we say we have fellowship with God but walk in darkness, what are
we? (6)
- Liars who do not practice the truth
8) What do we enjoy as we walk in the light together with God? (7)
- Cleansing of all sin by the blood of Christ
9) What if we say that we have no sin? (8,10)
- We deceive ourselves, make God a liar, His word and the truth are
not in us
10) What’s required to be forgiven of sin and cleansed of all
unrighteousness? (9)
- To confess our sins
xecutable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016