The Call Of Four Fishermen (1:16-20)
1. Jesus began His public ministry by preaching...
a. Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom of God - Mk 1:14
b. That the time was fulfilled, the kingdom of God was at hand - Mk 1:15a
c. That people needed to repent and believe the gospel - Mk 1:15b
2. As He did so, He also called people to become His disciples...
a. Calling them to follow Him
b. Offering to make them "fishers of men"
[His first disciples included two sets of brothers, four fishermen who
later become apostles. In our text (Mk 1:16-20) we read how Jesus
called them. Let's take a closer look at them, beginning with...]
1. Their background
a. Sons of Jonah - Jn 1:42
b. From Bethsaida of Galilee - Jn 1:44
c. Fishermen by trade - Mk 1:16
d. Partners with James and John - Lk 5:10
2. Their call to discipleship
a. Both met Jesus a year earlier - Jn 1:35-42
1) In Bethabara beyond the Jordan - Jn 1:28
2) Andrew had been a disciple of John
3) Andrew introduced Simon to Jesus
4) Jesus named Simon "Cephas" (Aramaic), "Peter" (Greek),
meaning "a rock"
b. They were called while fishing in the Sea of Galilee - Mk 1:16
1) They had been washing their nets - Lk 5:1-2
2) Jesus had Simon take him out in a boat, to teach the
people on shore - Lk 5:3
3) Jesus told him to launch out and cast his net, resulting
in a large catch - Lk 5:4-9
4) Then Jesus called them to follow Him and be fishers of
men - Lk 5:10; Mk 1:17
5) They immediately left their nets and followed him - Mk 1:18
1. Their service as apostles
a. Simon and Andrew were selected along with twelve others - Mk3:14-19
b. Simon (Peter) became part of Jesus' "inner circle" - Mk 5:
37; 9:2; 14:33
c. He is well known for his denial of Christ and restoration
- Mk 14:66-72; Jn 21:15-19
d. He is a key figure in the first half of the book of Acts,
and wrote two epistles
e. Andrew is known for introducing people to Jesus - Jn 1:40-
42; 6:8-9; 12:20-22
f. Both asked Jesus about the destruction of Jerusalem - Mk 13:
2. According to apocryphal (doubtful) literature (cf. ISBE)
a. Simon (Peter) died a martyr at Rome about 67 AD, along with
his wife
b Crucified upside down at his own request, felt unworthy to
die exactly like Jesus
c. Andrew is thought to have been crucified in Greece, on a
cross in the form of an X
d. Various sources attribute his missionary work in Bithynia,
Scythia, Greece, Ephesus
[Simon and Andrew: brothers, fishermen, disciples, apostles, martyrs.
One well known, the other lesser known. Both faithful servants of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Next we take a look at...]
1. Their background
a. Sons of Zebedee - Mk 1:19
b. Their mother was Salome - Mk 16:1; Mt 27:56
c. Many believe Salome was Mary's sister, making them Jesus'
cousins - Jn 19:25
d. Successful fishing business (several boats, partners with
Simon and Andrew, hired servants) - Mk 1:20; Lk 5:10-11
2. Their call to discipleship
a. While mending nets by the Sea of Galilee - Mk 1:19
b. When Jesus called them, they left their father and hired
servants - Mk 1:20
1. Their service as apostles
a. James and John were selected along with twelve others - Mk3:14-19
b. To whom Jesus gave the name "Boanerges" (Sons of Thunder)
- Mk 3:17
c. Perhaps due to a fiery temper (though see below) - cf. Lk 9:54
d. John tried to forbid one from casting out demons who did not
follow them - Mk 9:38
e. Both became part of Jesus' "inner circle" - Mk 5:37; 9:2;
f. They asked to sit at Christ's side in glory - Mk 10:35-37
g. Both asked Jesus about the destruction of Jerusalem - Mk 13:
h. Both were present when Jesus appeared the third time after
His resurrection - Jn 21:1-14
i. John was likely the "disciple whom Jesus loved" - Jn 19:26;
20:2; 21:7,20
j. John often worked with Peter - Ac 3:1; 8:14; Ga 2:9
k. James became the first apostle to be martyred, fulfilling
the Lord's prophecy that he would drink the same cup as His
Master - Ac 12:1-2; cf. Mk 10:39
l. John went on to write his gospel, three epistles, and the
book of Revelation
2. According to apocryphal (doubtful) literature (cf. ISBE)
a. Zebedee their father was of the house of Levi, their mother
of the house of Judah
b. Called "Sons of Thunder" because they were of both the
priestly house and royal house
c. James joined Peter in a missionary trip to India; also
preached in Spain prior to his death
d. John is thought to have spent his later years in Ephesus,
following his exile on the isle of Patmos (cf. Re 1:9),
dying around 98 AD
[James and John: brothers, fishermen, disciples, apostles. One an
early martyr, the other a lifelong witness. Both faithful servants of
the Lord Jesus Christ. Now for some concluding observations...]
1. Becoming a disciple of Jesus often involves sacrifice...
a. For Simon and Andrew, it meant leaving their business behind
b. For James and John, it also meant leaving their family behind
c. For all four, it meant lives of service that included hardship,
ending in martyrdom or exile
2. Becoming a disciple of Jesus means to seek the lost...
a. Jesus wants His disciples to become "fishers of men" - Mk 1:17
b. Just as He come to "seek and save the lost" - Lk 19:10
3. As disciples of Christ today...
a. Are we willing to sacrifice for the Lord?
b. Are we willing to seek the lost?
c. If not, can we really claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ?
Jesus would have everyone become His disciple today (cf. Mt 28:19-20).
May "The Call Of Four Fishermen", and the service they rendered to the
Lord, inspire us to greater dedication as disciples...
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016