
The Olivet Discourse - I (13:1-23)
1. A challenging passage in the Bible is Jesus’ discourse on the Mount
of Olives...
a. Given shortly after He left the temple with His disciples
b. Recorded in Mt 24, Mk 13, Lk 21
c. Commonly referred to as "The Olivet Discourse"
-- Our focus in this study will be primarily on Mark’s account
2. It’s difficulty becomes apparent as one considers the diversity of
a. Some maintain it is entirely about events preceding the Lord’s
second and final coming
b. Others that it is entirely about events related to the destruction
of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
c. Yet others believe it contains reference to both events
3. Even those who say it refers to both events differ as to when a
particular event is described...
a. Some say that vs. 5-23 refer to the destruction of Jerusalem, and
vs. 24 begins the discussion about the Lord’s second coming - cf.
J.W. McGarvey
b. Others contend that vs. 32 begins talking about the second coming
c. Others say Jesus switches back and forth throughout the discourse
[At this time, I view "The Olivet Discourse" in Mk 13 as depicting the
destruction of Jerusalem which occurred in 70 A.D., though it
foreshadows His second coming. To see why, let’s start with...]
1. His parables depicting Israel’s rejection of Him, and its
a. The parable of the wicked vinedressers
- Mk 12:1-12; cf. Mt 21:33-46
b. Matthew includes the parable of two sons - cf. Mt 21:28-32
c. Also the parable of the wedding feast - cf. Mt 22:1-14
2. His condemnation of the scribes and Pharisees
a. The warning against the pretentious scribes - Mk 12:38-40
b. Matthew records a more elaborate condemnation
- cf. Mt 23:1-28
c. Who would fill up the measure of their fathers’ guilt
- Mt 23:29-32
d. Who kill, crucify, scourge, and persecute the prophets, wise
men, and scribes He would send to them - Mt 23:33-34
e. Upon whom the blood of all the righteous would come, upon
that very generation - Mt 23:35-36
3. His lamentation over Jerusalem, recorded by Matthew
a. The city who kills the prophets and stones those sent to her
- cf. Mt 23:37
b. The city unwilling to accept the love shown to her
- cf. Mt 23:37
c. Whose house would be left desolate - Mt 23:38-39
1. After his disciples were showing Him the buildings of temple
- Mk 13:1
2. Declaring that not one stone would be left upon another - Mk13:2
1. In Mark’s gospel, two questions are asked - Mk 13:4
a. "When will these things be?"
b. "What will be the sign when all these things will be
2. In Luke’s gospel, the two questions are similar - Lk 21:7
a. "When will these things be?"
b. "What sign will there be when these things are about to take
3. In Matthew’s gospel, the second question is worded differently
- Mt 24:3
a. "When will these things be?"
b. "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the
4. Observations regarding these questions:
a. Only Matthew makes reference to a "coming" and "end of the
a. Matthew wrote his gospel for a Jewish audience
1) Who would likely view the destruction of temple as a
judgment against Jerusalem and the complete end of the
Jewish age (as evidently His disciples did)
2) Re: the end of the Jewish age - the end began with the
death of Jesus making the OT covenant obsolete
(He 9:15-16); it ended in fullness with the destruction of
the temple and cessation of its OT covenantal sacrifices
(cf. He 8:13)
b. Mark and Luke wrote their gospels to Gentiles
1) To avoid misunderstanding by non-Jewish readers, the
disciples’ questions are worded to reflect what the
Olivet discourse is about
2) I.e., the destruction of the temple (i.e., "these
things") and the sign when its destruction would be
[When the setting leading up to "The Olivet Discourse" is carefully
considered, the subject becomes clear. The destruction of the temple is
under consideration, not the second coming of Christ. Now let’s proceed
to examine more closely...]
1. Be careful that none deceive you, claiming to be the Christ
- Mk 13:5-6
2. Don’t be troubled by wars, earthquakes, famines, pestilence
- Mk 13:7-8
a. Such things will come, but the end (destruction of the
temple) is not yet
b. They are only the beginning of sorrows (not the sign of the
3. Anticipate persecution and hard times - Mk 13:9-13
a. You will be killed and hated for His name’s sake
b. Many will be offended, betray one another, and hate one
c. False prophets will deceive many
d. The love of many will grow cold because of lawlessness
e. But he who endures to "the end" will be saved -- "the end"
refers here:
1) Not to the second coming (implying one must live until
Christ comes again)
2) Nor to the destruction of Jerusalem (implying once one
has survived that event, one’s salvation is secured)
3) But to the end of one’s life - cf. Re 2:10
4. The gospel of the kingdom will be preached to all nations
- Mk 13:10
a. As a witness to all the nations - cf. Mt 24:14
b. Then the end (the destruction of the temple) will come - cf.
Mt 24:14
1) This would end the Jewish sacrifices, and other remnants
of OT worship
2) That which was nailed to the cross, abolished by Jesus’
death, would pass away
- cf. Col 2:14-17; Ep 2:14-16; He 8:13
c. Was the gospel preached to all nations prior to the
destruction of the temple?
1) Note what Paul wrote prior to 70 A.D.
- Ro 10:16-18; Col 1:23
2) Whether we take Jesus’ and Paul’s words as literal or
accommodative, according to Paul it had!
1. The "abomination of desolation" - Mk 13:14
a. Standing where it ought not (the holy city Jerusalem)
b. As foretold by Daniel - cf. Dan 9:26-27
2. When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies - cf. Lk 21:20
a. Luke therefore explains the "abomination of desolation"
b. In 70 A.D., Roman armies surrounded Jerusalem prior to
destroying it and the temple
3. Thus Jesus answers the disciples’ question: "What sign will
there be when these things are about to take place?"
1. Those in Judea are to flee to the mountains - Mk 13:14-20
a. Don’t delay by going to your homes and getting your clothes
b. It will be a difficult time for pregnant and nursing mothers
c. Pray that your flight be not in winter (when travel is
difficult) or on the Sabbath (when city gates are closed to
d. For there will be "great tribulation", though shortened for
the elect’s sake
1) Luke specifies the nature of this tribulation
- Lk 21:23b-24
2) A Jewish general taking captive by the Romans just prior
to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 offered this
a) All the calamities which had befallen any nation from
the beginning of the world were but small in
comparison with those of the Jews
b) In the siege of Jerusalem, no fewer than 1,100,000
perished (it was during the time of the Passover, when
more than 3,000,000 Jews were assembled)
c) In surrounding provinces 250,000 were slain
d) 97,000 were taken captive, some killed by beasts in
Roman theaters, some sent to work in Egypt, others
sold as slaves
-- Flavius Josephus, Jewish Wars, quoted by Barnes on
3) The "elect" were Christians, spared by a shortened siege
a) The Jews in the city engaged the Romans in battle
b) Titus, the Roman general, being called to return to
Rome, proceeded to end the siege and stormed the city
- Barnes Commentary on Matthew
2. Don’t be misled by false christs and false prophets
- Mk 13:21-23
a. Even those who show great signs and wonders to deceive
b. For the coming (judgment) of the Son of Man will be like
lightning across the sky
1) Do not expect to find Him in the desert or in inner rooms
2) When He comes in judgment, it will be swift
- cf. Lk 17:22-24
1. So far, all this depicts a local, escapable judgment...
a. Where Jesus warned those in Judea of what is to come - Mk 13:23
b. Where they are given a sign to let them know when to flee
- Mk 13:14
2. It does not fit a worldwide, inescapable judgment...
a. As will characterize the second coming of Christ - 2Pe 3:10-12
b. As Paul taught the Christians in Thessalonica
- cf. 1Th 5:2-3; 2Th 1:7-10
3. Our next study will continue to examine "The Olivet Discourse",
starting with verse 24...
a. Which certainly sounds like the second coming of Christ, but is
b. Or was Jesus still describing events pertaining to the destruction
of Jerusalem?
Eusebius (ca. 300 A.D.) in his "Ecclesiastical History" wrote that
Christians heeded the warnings of Jesus in Matthew 24, and fled
Jerusalem when it was surrounded by the Roman army.
May we likewise heed the words of Jesus:
* not be misled by false prophets and false christs
* not be troubled by wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, or even
* enduring to the end by remaining faithful to Him
...looking forward to His final coming at the Last Day!
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016