The Church In Antioch Of Syria (11:19-30)
1. A major church in New Testament times was the church in Antioch of Syria...
b. Begun by disciples who had been in Jerusalem - Ac 11:19-21
c. Where disciples of Christ were first called "Christians" - Ac 11:26
2. The church in Antioch of Syria would later...
a. Serve as Paul's starting point for his three missionary journeys Ac 13:1-3
b. Send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem to resolve the issue of
circumcision - Ac 15:1-2
[In our text for this lesson (Ac 11:19-30), we read the beginning of
the church in Antioch of Syria. But first, let's review some
background material concerning the city of Antioch itself...]
1. Founded in 300 B.C. by Seleucus Nicator, one of Alexander the Great's generals
2. Named after his father Antiochus
3. Located on the river Orontes, 15 miles upstream from the port
city Seleucia (named after Seleucus himself)
B. FAME...
1. Became known as "Antioch the Beautiful"
2. Famous for its fine buildings, and a long, paved boulevard
flanked by a double colonnade with trees and fountains
3. Absorbed by the Roman empire in 64 B.C., it became the capital
of the imperial province of Syria (and later Cilicia)
4. Josephus called it the third city of the empire, after Rome and Alexandria
1. Estimated at 300,000, extremely cosmopolitan (multicultural)
2. A Greek city by foundation, inhabitants included Latins as well
3. With a large colony of Jews, attracted by Seleucus' offer of
equal citizenship
4. There were also people from Persia, India, and even China,
earning it another name: "the Queen of the East"
[Much of the above information about the city of Antioch is from Stott,
J. R. W. (1994). The Message of Acts: The Spirit, the Church & the
World. The Bible Speaks Today. Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press. Now let's consider the church itself...]
1. Of those scattered by the persecution in Jerusalem, who first
spoke only to the Jews - Ac 11:19; cf. Ac 8:1-4
2. Some of them from Cyprus and Cyrene, began speaking to
Hellenists (Greeks) - Ac 11:20
3. Preaching the Lord Jesus, with the aid of the Lord, a great
number believed and turned to the Lord - Ac 11:21
1. News of this new church reached Jerusalem, so they sent Barnabas- Ac 11:22
a. Introduced earlier as also being from Cyprus - Ac 4:36-37
b. Who helped Saul to be accepted by the church in Jerusalem - Ac 9:26-27
2. Upon his arrival, Barnabas (whose name means "son of encouragement"):
a. Saw the grace of God and was glad - Ac 11:23
b. Encouraged them to continue with the Lord with purpose of heart - ibid.
3. For he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith
- Ac 11:24; cf. Ac 4:37; 6:5
4. Result: "And a great many people were added to the Lord"
- Ac 11:24; cf. Ac 2:41,47
1. Barnabas went to Tarsus to find Saul - Ac 11:25; cf. Ac 9:30
2. Together at Antioch, Barnabas and Saul assembled with the church
for a year and taught a great many people - Ac 11:26
3. It was at Antioch disciples were first called Christians
- Ac 11:26; cf. Ac 26:28; 1Pe 4:16
1. Some prophets arrived from Jerusalem - Ac 11:27; cf. 1Co 12:28; Ep 4:11
2. One of them, Agabus, by the Spirit foretold of a famine
- Ac 11:28; cf. Ac 21:10,11
3. The disciples at Antioch determined to send relief - Ac 11:29
a. Each according to his ability - cf. 1Co 16:1-2; 2Co 8:2-4, 12-14
b. Sent by the hands of Barnabas and Saul to the elders
4. Thus the church demonstrated one "zealous for good works"
- cf. Tit 2:14; 3:1,8,14
1. So began a great church in a great city...
a. Established by evangelists
b. Endorsed by Barnabas
c. Educated with Saul
d. Exemplified good works
-- Perhaps the second most influential church after Jerusalem in the
first century A.D.
2. We will read more of this church in the book of Acts...
a. As an important factor in Paul's missionary journeys
b. Contributing to the successful resolution of a problem involving Gentiles
Indeed, there are good lessons we might glean from "The Church In Antioch
Of Syria", a few of which we shall look at in our next study...
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2012