A True Son In The Faith (16:1-5)
1. Paul's second missionary began when he and Silas left Antioch of Syria...
a. Commended by the brethren to the grace of God - Ac 15:40
b. Passing through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches - Ac 15:41
2. Coming to Derbe and then Lystra, they added a third companion to their party...
a. A young disciple named Timothy - Ac 16:1-3
b. Who would assist Paul for decades at personal cost and great risk
[Paul called Timothy "a true son in the faith" (1Ti 1:2). I like to
think of him as "The Daniel Of The New Testament". What was so remarkable
about him? Let's first review what we know about...]
1. His name means "honoring God" (he would prove true to his name!)
2. He was a native of Lystra - Ac 16:1-2
3. His mother was a Jewish, his father a Greek - Ac 16:1
a. There is no mention of a synagogue in Lystra
b. The mixed marriage might suggest a shallow faith earlier in her life
c. Which might also explain why Timothy had not been circumcised
d. Though he was taught the Old Testament Scriptures - 2Ti 3:15
1. His mother (Eunice) and grandmother (Lois) had become believers
- Ac 16:1; 2Ti 1:5
2. Timothy was likely converted by Paul on his 1st missionary journey
a. Paul had preached the gospel in Lystra and left disciples there - Ac 14:6-7,20
b. Paul considered himself a spiritual "father" of those he taught - e.g., 1Co 4:17
c. He certainly thought of Timothy as his "son" in the faith - 1Ti 1:2; 2Ti 1:2
3. Timothy may have been as young as 13 when converted
a. Paul's first missionary journey was around 47-48 AD
b. Yet 16 years later (64 AD) he was still a "youth" - 1Ti 4:12
4. As a new disciple, he may have witnessed Paul's stoning at Lystra - Ac 14:19-20
5. He was familiar with Paul's persecutions at Antioch, Iconium, Lystra - 2Ti 3:10-11
6. As a disciple he was well-spoken of by brethren at Lystra and Iconium - Ac 16:2
[It was this very young disciple that Paul wanted to join him and Silas.
Imagine the courage required on Timothy's part to accept, knowing the
tribulations Paul had already faced! Imagine the faith required by
Timothy's mother and grandmother to let him go with Paul! But now let's
review what we know of...]
1. Paul had Timothy circumcised because of the Jews
a. Jews in the region knew Timothy's father was a Greek - Ac 16:3
b. Remember Paul's evangelistic method: Jews first, then Gentiles - Ro 1:16
c. His custom was to visit synagogues first - Ac 17:1-3
d. As a Jew (reckoned as such because of his mother), being
uncircumcised would hinder Timothy's effectiveness among Jews
e. As a matter of expediency, Paul had no qualms with Jewish
Christians keeping elements of the Law
- cf. 1Co 9:19-23; Ac 18:18,21; 21:17-26
f. When made an issue of salvation, Paul would refuse circumcision
- Ac 15:1-2; Ga 2:1-5
2. Consider what circumcision required of Timothy
a. For young and older men, it was a serious and painful procedure - Gen 34:24-25
b. For Timothy, his first act of service for Paul involved bloodshed!
3. Timothy may have also been commissioned with spiritual gifts at this time
a. By the laying on of hands by the elders of the church - 1Ti 4:14
b. Together with the laying on of Paul's hands - 2Ti 1:6
1. Timothy fulfilled special and often dangerous missions for Paul
a. Staying behind with Silas in troubled Berea - Ac 17:13-14
b. Sent to learn of the brethren in afflicted Thessalonica - 1Th 3:1-8
c. Leaving Ephesus to go to Macedonia with Erastus - Ac 19:22
d. Sent to Corinth to remind them of Paul's ways in Christ - 1Co 4:17
e. Sent to persecuted Philippi to learn of their condition - Php 2:19
f. Left at Ephesus to deal with any who might be trouble - 1Ti 1:3-4,18-19
2. Timothy truly became Paul's "fellow laborer in the gospel of Christ"
a. Paul considered no one as like-minded as him - Php 2:19-22
b. He had Timothy join him as co-authors of 6 epistles
- 2Co, Ph, Co, 1Th, 2Th, Phile
c. Timothy received 2 epistles from Paul - 1Ti, 2Ti
3. As Paul faced death, he asked Timothy to come (which involved risk) - 2Ti 4:9
4. Timothy himself was imprisoned at some point, but later released - He 13:23
1. Summarizing what we learned about Timothy, he was...
a. Blessed by the faithful upbringing of his grandmother Lois and mother Eunice
b. Dedicated as a disciple to serve Jesus and His apostle Paul
c. Faithful in carrying out tasks assigned to him
d. Courageous in the face of persecution, risking imprisonment and death
e. Humble enough to accept a "second string" position, the perfect
"preacher's helper"
2. Like Daniel, Timothy is a wonderful example for serving God in youth...
a. "in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity" - 1Ti 4:12
b. "purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself" - Dan 1:8
For all Christians, Timothy demonstrates what it means to be "A True
Son In The Faith".
As sons of God through faith and baptism into Christ (Ga 3:26-27), let
the example of Timothy in the Scriptures inspire us to be more faithful
and fruitful in our service to Christ, no matter the cost...!
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2012