The Works Of The Flesh - III (5:19-21)
1. For several lessons we have focused on the "works of the flesh"
listed in Ga 5:19-21
2. We have broken them up into several categories, including...
a. Sins of moral impurity (adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
b. Idolatry and sorcery
c. Infractions of the law of love (hatred, contentions, jealousies,
outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
3. In this study, we shall end our study of the works of the flesh by
considering two sins...
a. Drunkenness and revelries, which can be classified as sins of
b. We shall also make an observation on the manner in which Paul
concludes his list of the "works of the flesh"
[We begin by considering the two...]
A. DRUNKENNESS (Grk., methe)...
1. This word describes the state of intoxication due to alcohol
2. The Bible is very strong in...
a. Its condemnation of drunkenness - cf. 1Co 5:11; 6:9-10
b. Its warning about the dangers of drinking - cf. Pr 20:1;
3. What about "drinking" that does not lead to "drunkenness"?
a. The level of alcohol in modern day alcoholic beverages makes
it difficult to distinguish between the two
1) Levels of alcohol are much higher today due to advanced
distilling techniques
2) Some of the strongest drinks in the past were not much
stronger than our mild beers today, thus making it much
easier to get drunk today
3) In ancient Greece there was very little drunkenness, for
the normal practice was to dilute two parts of wine to
three parts of water
b. The Christian is also bound by the principle of influence
- cf. Ro 14:13-21
1) Should Christians engage in an activity (social drinking)
that contributes to...
a) The number one drug problem in our country? (1 in 9
are alcoholics)
b) The senseless killing of 25,000 innocent victims a
year? (half of all driving related accidents involve
driving under the influence of alcohol)
c) An estimated 25% of divorces? (which God hates
- Mal 2:16)
2) The responsibility of the Christian regarding influence
is clear - Ro 14:21; 1Co 10:31-33
a) Only the insensitive and selfish Christian would try
to justify engaging in social drinking today
b) The mature Christian considers whether the practice
glorifies God, and benefits his fellow man
1. This word refers to feasts and drinking parties that were often
extended till late at night and indulge in revelry
2. Such behavior is condemned not only here, but also in Ro 13:
3. Modern day forms of this sin would include what goes on at...
a. Mardi Gras in New Orleans
b. Many New Year's parties
c. Some office Christmas' parties
d. Some music concerts
4. It does not require too much wisdom to see why such behavior is
a. How many friendships, marriages, etc., have been destroyed
by unrestrained behavior
that goes on at such functions?
b. Even the "innocent" can often get caught up in the
excitement and do something that ruins the rest of their
5. In 1Pe 4:3-4, Peter states that...
a. Such behavior as Christians is unbecoming
b. The world thinks us strange for not engaging in such things
[The world may think us strange because we refrain from such things as
drunkenness and revelries; but as Peter goes on to say in 1Pe 4:5, all
will have to give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and
the dead. It is in view of the Judgment that prompts Christians to take
the "works of the flesh" seriously. And not just those specifically
mentioned in Ga 5:19-21, but as Paul goes on to say...]
1. Paul's list is not to be taken as all inclusive
2. The sins listed are to give us a basic idea of the kind of
things we are to avoid
3. We must apply discernment on many activities which may not be
specifically condemned in the Scriptures
a. Many people want a "Thou shall not..." for anything to be
b. But the Bible does not list everything that is wrong (if it
did, you would have to carry it around in a wheel barrow)
c. Instead, we are given basic principles of conduct, with some
specific examples to illustrate such principles
d. We are expected to exercise discernment concerning good and
evil using the principles found in the Scriptures
- cf. He 5:12-14
1. Today we are often faced with issues that may not be
specifically mentioned in the Bible
a. E.g., questions related to dancing, drugs, movies, music,
smoking, television programs.
b. How do I know when something not specifically addressed is
right or wrong?
2. One helpful way is to compare the activity in question to the
two lists found in Ga 5:19-23
a. Is the active "like" the works of the flesh?
b. Or is it "like" the fruit of the Spirit?
3. The better we understand these "works of the flesh" (as well as
what constitutes the "fruit of the Spirit), the better we are
to make decisions conducive to godly living
1. Such has been the purpose of our study: to learn what sort of things
constitute the "works of the flesh", so that we know what to avoid
2. For remember what Paul has written...
"Those who practice SUCH THINGS will not inherit the kingdom of God"
(Ga 5:21)
3. Whether it be one of those things specifically listed, or something
"such like" them, the consequences will be devastating!
4. In addition, the practice of such things makes it impossible to
produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives - cf. Ga 5:17
5. Finally: the use of the word "practice" (Ga 5:21) implies that Paul
is warning against those who persistently engage in such sins and
refuse to repent...
a. We have all been guilty of one or more of things that can keep us
out of the kingdom of heaven
b. But by God's grace anyone can receive forgiveness, as implied in
this passage:
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom
of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor
covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit
the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed,
but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God." (1Co 6:9-11)
If you are willing to give up the "practice" of such sins, you too can
have your sins washed away, finding sanctification and justification
through Jesus and the Spirit of God! - cf. Ac 2:38; 22:16
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016