It is easy to know those who love the truth of God, and those who don’t. It is evident in how they use, and abuse the Word. Anyone who uses the bible for monetary, political, or personal gain have no love for the truth. There are many false teachers in the world who profess godliness, but they teach false doctrines that appease the wicked. They teach such things not for the love of God, but rather for the love of money. They often engage in politics using the Word as their sword, not for the betterment of others, but for their own bellies. These are the ones who despise the poor saints of God, and seek to devour them with sweet swelling words of vanity. These are the ones who use man made definitions to redefine, and twist the Word of God, to make it appear God is on their side. Beware of them, try them, and avoid them, for they are not of God.
Mi 3:11; Mt 7:15; Rom 16:17,18; Col 2:8; 1 Tim 6:3-10; 2 Thess 2:10-12; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 1 Jn 4:1;