by steve finnell
Do most church
leaders understand God's teaching? Where do preachers, priests, Sunday
school teachers, elders, and pastors receive their knowledge? It does
not come from prayerfully studying the Bible. Most church leaders
receive their religious instruction from parents, church catechisms,
books about the Bible, fellow church members, religious seminaries,
denominational teaching booklets, their own opinions, denominational
Bible colleges and various man-made creed books.
If understanding God's doctrine comes from the Bible? Then, how...........
1. Then, how could church leaders believe that there are other ways to heaven, other than Jesus Christ.
2.Then, how could church leaders believe that infants are guilty of Adam's sin, before they are born?
3. Then, how could church leaders believe that water baptism is not essential in order to have sins forgiven?
4. Then, how could
church leaders believe that praying to the Virgin Mary and other dead
saints is not a sin? We are only to worship God. Prayer is worship.
5. Then, how could
church leaders believe interdenominational worship and
interdenominational charities are approved by God? Denominations teach
various ways of salvation. There is only one way to be saved.
6. Then, how could
church leaders believe that non-believing infants are candidates for
water baptism? First, infants have not sinned. Second, if they had
sinned, they are not capable of believing. There are no conversions in
the Bible where a non-believer is baptized.
7. Then, how could a
church leader believe in theistic evolution? God created the universe
in 6 twenty-four hour, days. Not millions or billions of years.
8. Then, how could a church leader believe once you are saved you can never be lost?
9. Then, how could a church leader believe that men are saved by, grace alone?
10. Then, how could a church leader believe that men are saved by, faith only?
11. Then, how could a
church leader believe that certain men are select for salvation and
that God selects all others to burn in hell?
12. Then, how could a
church leader believe new testament Christians need to remember the
Sabbath and keep it holy, as well as keeping other old testament laws?
Saturday is the Sabbath.
13. Then, how could a
church leader believe that contemporary Christians have the gift of
miracles and the gift of tongues, as the apostles did on the Day of
14. Then, how could a church leader believe that God is inspiring new books of revelation, in addition to the Bible?
15. Then, how could
church leaders believe that Christian can continue a sinful lifestyle
and still be saved? Can murders continue to murder and still be saved?
Church leaders are not learning 1 thru 15 by reading the Bible.
Matthew 15:9 And in vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrine the commandments of men.'" (NKJV)