
Look up! and be amazed! by Gary Rose



Iridescent clouds; what a wonderful sight to behold! I have had the pleasure to actually see these several times, but OH, I wish I had seem them more often. This is a nice picture, but to actually see them in the heavens, with your own eyes, is to become as a little child, who understands for the first time what the word amazement means.

As I look at this picture, I recall being at my Grandmother’s farm in upstate New York and looking up at the sky on a pitch-black night and seeing for the first time the magnificence of the milky way. I remember thinking: How wonderful God must be to create such marvelous things.

The Psalmist has said…

Psalm 19 ( World English Bible )

1 The heavens declare the glory of God.

    The expanse shows his handiwork.

2 Day after day they pour out speech,

    and night after night they display knowledge.

3 There is no speech nor language,

    where their voice is not heard.

There are those in this world who do not believe in God and that is a shame, but there would be far fewer atheists in the world if more people just spent some time outside on a dark, dark night. The heavens boldly pronounce the existence of their creator and all we have to do is really, really look and THINK ABOUT IT!

Have you gazed at the heavens lately? Try it, you will fall in love and I don’t mean with the stars, either!

Your Friend,
