"THE GOSPEL OF MARK" Jesus Condemned And Mocked (15:2-20) INTRODUCTION 1. As mentioned previously, Jesus faced two trials prior to His execution... a. The ecclesiastical trial, in three stages 1) The preliminary hearing before Annas - cf. Jn 18:12-14,19-24 2) The midnight trial before Caiaphas and the council - Mk 14:53-65 3) The morning consultation of the council - Mk 15:1 b. The civil trial, also in three stages 1) Before Pilate, the Roman governor - Mk 15:2-5 2) Before Herod, the tetrarch over Galilee - cf. Lk 23:6-12 3) Before Pilate again - Mk 15:6-15 2. We turn our attention to events related to the civil trial as found in Mark’s gospel... a. Jesus before Pilate - Mk 15:2-15 b. Jesus mocked by Roman soldiers - Mk 15:16-20 [Beginning with Mk 15:2, let’s direct our attention to the details of the trial, starting with...] I. THE PARTICIPANTS A. PILATE THE ROMAN GOVERNOR... 1. Pontius Pilate, the 5th Roman governor of Judea (26-36 A.D.)- Mk 15:2 2. Often harsh, Jewish sources charge him with greed and cruelty cf. Lk 13:1 B. CHIEF PRIESTS... 1. Who had plotted to kill Jesus, and sent to arrest Him - Mk 14:1,43 2. Who had tried Jesus at the home of Caiaphas - Mk 14:53 3. Who had delivered Jesus to Pilate - Mk 15:1-3 C. BARABBAS... 1. The prisoner released in Jesus’ stead - Mk 15:6-15 2. A rebel guilty of murder, and a robber - Mk 15:7; cf. Jn 18:40 D. THE MULTITUDE... 1. A crowd who had gathered to ask for the release of a prisoner - Mk 15:8 2. Prompted by the chief priests to clamor for Barabbas instead of Jesus - Mk 15:11 3. Eventually crying out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" - Mk 15:13-14 E. THE SOLDIERS... 1. Who mocked Jesus (see below) - Mk 15:16-20 2. Who ultimately crucified Him - Mk 15:20 [With such a review of those present during the civil trial before Pilate, let’s now consider...] II. THE CHARGES A. MADE BY CHIEF PRIESTS... 1. He perverts the nation - Lk 23:2 2. He forbids to pay taxes to Caesar - Lk 23:2; yet cf. Lk 20:22-25 3. He claims to be Christ, a King - Lk 23:2 4. He stirs up the people, teaching throughout Judea and Galilee - Lk 23:5 B. CONSIDERED BY PILATE... 1. Who asked Jesus, "Are You the King of the Jews?" - Mk 15:2 a. To which Jesus admitted - Mk 15:2 b. Though His kingdom was spiritual - cf. Jn 18:36-38 2. Who marveled at Jesus’ silence regarding the other charges - Mk 15:3-5 3. Who ascertained that it was envy that motivated the chief priests - Mk 15:10 4. Who did not think Jesus was guilty of death - Mk 15:14; cf. Lk 23:13-15 5. Whose wife wanted him to release Jesus - cf. Mt 27:19 6. Who finally sought to gratify the crowd, to avoid a tumult - Mk 15:15; Mt 27:24 [Though Pilate considered Jesus innocent, pressured by the crowd he initiated actions that would lead to the crucifixion. Such actions included terrible abuse, which we will now survey...] III. THE ABUSE A. JESUS WAS SCOURGED... 1. By the instructions of Pilate - Mk 15:15; Jn 19:1 2. This involved being "tied to a post and beaten with a leather whip that was interwoven with pieces of bone and metal, which tore through skin and tissue, often exposing bones and intestines. In many cases, the flogging itself was fatal." - ESVSB B. JESUS WAS MOCKED... 1. By soldiers who led Jesus to the hall called Praetorium - Mk 15:16 2. Who clothed Him with purple and a twisted crown of thorns on His head - Mk 15:17 3. Who saluted Him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" - Mk 15:18 4. Who struck Him on the head with a reed - Mk 15:19 5. Who spat on Him - Mk 15:19 6. Who mockingly worshiped Him - Mk 15:19 7. Who stripped Him and put back on Him His clothes - Mk 15:20 CONCLUSION 1. Again, the barbarous injustice at Jesus’ trials is evident... a. The false charges and physical abuse b. A cowardly governor acquiescing to a manipulated crowd 2. But lest we forget, this was in keeping with God’s Divine Providence... a. Which Jesus acknowledged in His predictions and prayers - Mk 8:31-33; 14:36 b. Which Peter proclaimed in his first sermon on Pentecost - Ac 2:22-24 All in fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy (Isa 53:4-12). Shall we not respond accordingly...? - Ac 8:30-38
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016