
Oh, to be like the bird.....

After looking at this picture, its hard NOT TO THINK ABOUT GOD!!!  My first thought was that it was a rainbow, which of course is a promise that God will not destroy the Earth by means of a flood, ever again.  Then I thought of the coloring that occurs at sunset and I couldn't help but focus on that bird (a hawk??) in the picture.  Can you imagine being able to fly with all that color around you?  And yet we see God around us every single day, in every molecule of our being and that of all that surrounds us.  Paul puts it this way...

Colossians, Chapter 1
 16 For all things were created in Him, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, the visible and the invisible; whether thrones, or lordships, or rulers, or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and all things consist in Him.  18 And He is the Head of the body, the church, who is the Beginning, the First-born from the dead, that He be preeminent in all things;  19 because all the fullness was pleased to dwell in Him,  20 and through Him making peace by the blood of His cross, to reconcile all things to Himself; through Him, whether the things on the earth, or the things in the heavens.  16 For all things were created in Him, the things in the heavens, and the things on the earth, the visible and the invisible; whether thrones, or lordships, or rulers, or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and all things consist in Him.  18 And He is the Head of the body, the church, who is the Beginning, the First-born from the dead, that He be preeminent in all things;  19 because all the fullness was pleased to dwell in Him,  20 and through Him making peace by the blood of His cross, to reconcile all things to Himself; through Him, whether the things on the earth, or the things in the heavens.

Jesus; its all about Jesus!!!  The physical manifestation of God, given for the creation he loved so much.  He is with us, in us and there is no denying his presence.  Some may try to disavow him, but as surely as we all will eventually come to grips with our mortality, all will someday acknowledge him.  And on the day when we meet him face to face, we will be overwhelmed by the sight of the magnificence of him and all that he has done.  On that day, we will know how the bird in the picture must feel.  Oh, to be like the bird in the picture, surrounded by the wonder of God!!!