most Christians, especially first generation Christians, letting go
of the past is probably one of our greatest challenges. We so often
allow ourselves to be defined by who we once were instead of who we
are now in Christ Jesus. Here is God’s answer to our problem: WE
ARE FORGIVEN!!! Unless we can accept this teaching from Scripture,
we will be forever paralyzed in our faith. Let’s consider a few
must accept the forgiveness of God! In 1
Timothy 1:15,
Paul tells us that Christ came to this earth to “save
Paul confessed that he was a sinner and that God’s grace, mercy
and love forgave us of ALL our sins. We now can live at peace with
our God Romans
see also: Col.
1:14, 2:13. We
are a new creation, reborn for God’s purpose.
ourselves is the biggest challenge for us all. Let’s remember
someone who needed a lot of grace and mercy from God – King David.
His two great sins were: he committed adultery with Bathsheba and he
numbered the people that cost the lives of 70,000 . What did God do
with the life of David when he came to God with a genuine repentant
heart? Solomon was born from Bathsheba and built the temple on the
land where David built an alter to seek God’s forgiveness for his
lack of faith in numbering the people.
the Heart of a Servant
accept God’s forgiveness! Today give up your pride and forgive
yourself! God has much good to do through you.