
From Bill Dayton... “How Great Thou Art….” 1A

How Great Thou Art….” 1A


A. This is one of the greatest hymns of praise that was written in the 20th century.

B. In April of 1974 the Christian Herald magazine named this the #1 hymn in America.

C. David sang God’s praises in Psalm 92:5.…O Lord how great are Your works.” Psalm 145.

D. (v 1,2) speak of The Creation, (v3) speaks of The Cross. (v4) speaks of the Coming of Christ

I. The Creation (vs 1,2)

A. Gen.1:1ff..God spoke, and it was so….6 days…then rested on the 7th

B. Psalm 148

II. The Cross (v 3)

A. Matt.1:21...”…bring forth a Son…Jesus He will save people from their sins…”

B. Jn.3:16.…“For God so loved the world…..”

C. 1Cor.2: 2...Paul determined to Know nothing except Jesus and Him crucified

III. The Coming Christ (v4)

A. Estimated, one of every 25 verses in the NT deals either directly or indirectly with our Lord’s return.
The word “rapture” is not seen in scripture…..

B. Jn.14:1-3...1Thess.4:13-5:1-2

C. Matt.24:36-44 ® watch & be ready” 2Peter 3:1-12

D. What Will Happen When He Comes?

1. Jn.5:28,29; 1Cor.15:51,52 ®

2. 2Pet.3:10. “…thief in the night..heaven and earth will pass away, great noise fervent heat…”

3. Heb.9:27 death is an appointment, then the judgment. 2Cor.5:10 All appear judgment seat of Christ.”

4. 2Tim.4:7,8 “..fought the good fight, finished the race, kept the faith. Laid up , crown of righteousness

The Lord will give to me on the Day, not only me, all who LOVE His appearing.”