
From Jim McGuiggan... All Israel will be saved (4)

All Israel will be saved (4)

Here's what I think leads up to "And so all Israel will be saved" in 11:26. Jewish critics of Paul's gospel about Jesus the Messiah said that his message would mean God was faithless. God had promised salvation to Israel through the coming Messiah, the Messiah arrived and a vast number of the Jews were excluded even though the Messiah was theirs (9:5). It didn't help Paul much to say that they had rejected the Messiah because Paul was insisting that that was precisely how salvation would come to the world. So here it is. The Jewish Messiah comes to save Israel, salvation is to come through his being rejected, the Jews do the will of God in rejecting him and they are excluded! And to make matters worse, while the heirs are excluded Gentiles receive the salvation inheritance. And what was Paul's response when he has done explaining? All Israel will be saved!

That's one side of the coin. The other arises from the Gentile perspective. In Galatians, Judaizers wanted to exclude Gentiles ("they must become Jews if they want Messianic blessings"). In Romans arrogant Gentiles are saying that Jews are excluded. God is done with them. The proof of that are the many Jews that are lost in unbelief. "There's a new people—Gentiles." And what's Paul's response when he has done explaining? All Israel will be saved!

All that have descended from Abraham through Jacob are not "Israel" Paul says in 9:6. So when you see unbelievers cut off from among their people (see Acts 3:22-23) you must not conclude that a true Israelite has been cut off. The Israelite that rejects faith (in Jesus Christ) shows he is not Abraham's child, he is not truly an Israelite. A true Israelite, a real Jew has both the flesh and faith of Abraham (9:7-8). When Paul says that "all" Israel will be saved he is saying that the remnant that now exists is God's last word about the Jews. He has not gathered in the existing remnant and said, "No more!" The "all" Israel is that portion of Israel that already believed and every other Jew that wishes to come to God in Jesus Christ via the gospel. Imagine a man coming in response to God's gospel about Jesus Christ and wanting to be saved. God says, "What's your ethnic background?" The man replies, "I'm a Jew!" God says, "Oh, no you can't be saved I've closed the door on Jews." That could never happen! That's something like arrogant Gentiles were thinking. Paul says that God elected Israel and made covenant promises to them and he doesn't go back on those (11:29). God's offer of Messianic blessings is wide open to every presently unbelieving Jew! Paul could point to a Jew that has rejected the gospel and say, "That is an Israelite." He could point to a Jew that has rejected the gospel and say, "That is not an Israelite." He would have been correct both times. See Romans 9:6 and compare Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.

And he insists that God has rejected not a single true Israelite. A Gentile with the faith of Abraham is a child of Abraham (Galatians 3:27-28 and Romans 4:11) but a Gentile without faith is as cut off as a Jew without faith. Neither of them is a true child of Abraham. (But while Paul called Gentiles children of Abraham he didn't call them "Israelites". See Abraham's children or Israelites?) So "all Israel" are all the physical kin of Abraham who also have his heart. Not one of these has ever been or ever will be lost. No matter what arrogant Gentiles say.

©2004 Jim McGuiggan. All materials are free to be copied and used as long as money is not being made.

Many thanks to brother Ed Healy, for allowing me to post from his website, the abiding word.com.