Chapter Twelve
With the "heroes of faith" like a cloud of witness cheering us on, we
are to run the race of faith, looking to Jesus’ example for endurance
and to God’s loving discipline lest we fall short of His grace (1-17).
Coming not to Mt. Sinai but to glorious Mt. Zion (18-24), we are given
the sixth warning: not to refuse or defy Him who speaks from heaven
* How Jesus was able to endure the cross
* The role of discipline in the life of the Christian
* The danger of defying Him who speaks from heaven
1) What are the main points of this chapter?
- The need for endurance and discipline - He 12:1-17
- Contrast between Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion - He 12:18-24
- A warning against defying - He 12:25-29
2) How are we to run the race of faith? (1-3)
- Lay aside every weight (esp. the sin of unbelief), look to Jesus
for inspiration
3) If we experience hostility striving against sin, how should we view
it? (4-9)
- As chastening from a loving Father who knows it is for our good
4) What can chastening from God accomplish? (10-11)
- Partaking of His holiness, and the peaceable fruit of righteousness
5) As we run the race of faith, what should we pursue and how? (12-17)
- Peace and holiness, careful not to fall short of God’s grace (like
Esau did)
6) How did Mt. Sinai appear to Moses and the Israelites? (18-21)
- A terrifying sight, and a terrifying voice
7) To what have we come? (22-24)
- Mt. Zion and the heavenly Jerusalem
- An innumerable company of angels
- General assembly, church of the firstborn
- God the Judge of All
- Spirits of just men made perfect
- Jesus, Mediator of the New Covenant
- The blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than Abel
8) List four reasons we should not refuse Him who speaks from heaven?
- He will one day "shake" and "remove" earth and heaven
- We are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken
- We can have grace by which to serve God with reverence and godly
- God is a consuming fire
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2016