Peter's Ministry In Western Judea (9:32-43)
1. With the conversion of Saul, the chief instigator of persecution...
a. The churches in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria enjoyed a reprieve- Ac 9:31
b. They experienced peace, edification, and growth - ibid.
2. The apostle Peter took the opportunity to travel...
a. Which may have included areas of Galilee and Samaria - Ac 9:32
b. But definitely included regions of western Judea - Ac 9:32-43
[Especially two cities, Lydda and Joppa, where Philip may have preached
earlier (cf. Ac 8:40). It was at those two cities, that Peter
performed two miracles that Luke recorded in Acts...]
1. Formerly known by its Hebrew name Lod
2. Located eleven miles southeast of Joppa
3. In the picturesque plain of Sharon - cf. Ac 9:35
4. Built by Shemed of Benjamin - 1Ch 8:12
5. Re-populated after the Babylonian exile - Ezr 2:1,33
6. Where there was evidently a church ("saints who dwelt at Lydda")- Ac 9:32
1. Peter finds Aeneas, bedridden for 8 years and paralyzed - Ac 9:33
2. Appealing to the name and power of Jesus, Peter heals him - Ac 9:34; cf. Ac 3:6
a. Commanding him to arise and make his bed
b. Whereby he arose immediately, healed instantly
3. This miracle is reminiscent of Jesus healing the paralytic - cf. Lk 5:17-26
4. All in Lydda and Sharon who saw Aeneas "turned to the Lord" - Ac 9:35
[The miracle served to confirm Jesus as Lord and Peter as His apostle
(cf. Mk 16:19-20). The same would prove true at...]
1. A harbor town on the Mediterranean Sea, today is known as Jaffa
2. Located thirty-five miles northwest of Jerusalem
3. From which Jonah boarded a ship to Tarshish - Jon 1:3
4. It too had a church ("the disciples had heard") - Ac 9:38
1. There was a certain disciple named Tabitha - Ac 9:36
a. Tabitha was her Aramaic name, Dorcas her Greek name
b. Both literally means "gazelle" (a small, swift, long-horned antelope)
2. She was full of good works and charitable deeds - Ac 9:36
3. She became sick and died - Ac 9:37
a. Her body was washed
b. Her body was laid in an upper room
4. Hearing that Peter was in Lydda, two disciples were sent for him - Ac 9:38
5. Arriving, Peter was brought to the upper room - Ac 9:39
a. Where widows stood by weeping
b. Displaying tunics and garments Dorcas had made
6. Peter raised Dorcas from the dead - Ac 9:40
a. He put everyone out of the room - Ac 9:40
b. He knelt and prayed
c. Turning to the body, he said "Tabitha, arise"
d. She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up
7. Peter then lifted her up and presented her alive - Ac 9:41
8. This miracle is also reminiscent of Jesus raising Jairus' daughter
- cf. Lk 8:41-42,49-56
9. It became known throughout Joppa, and many "believed on the Lord" - Ac 9:42
1. Peter remained in Joppa many days...
a. Staying with Simon, a tanner - Ac 9:43
b. From where he would be sent for by Cornelius - Ac 10:5-6
2. The effect of the two miracles in the two cities is expressed differently...
a. In Lydda, it is said people "turned to the Lord"
b. In Joppa, it is said people "believed on the Lord"
3. But these are simply two ways of saying the same thing...
a. To turn from sin and self, and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ
b. To place one's faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ
This is how evidence that Jesus is the Christ and Peter was His apostle
should affect us (cf. Jn 20:30-31). With such evidence, not only here
in Acts 9, but throughout the Scriptures, shouldn't we be careful not
to neglect the great salvation that we have in Christ...? - cf. He 2:1-4
Executable Outlines, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 2012