
A Prayer for Myself by Trevor Bowen


A Prayer for Myself

A partial verse from a prayer for myself:
Lord help me to be ...
As wise as Solomon,
As purposed as Daniel,
As strong as Samson,
As sincere as David,
As passionate as Peter,
As committed as Joseph,
As focused as Paul,
As humble as John the Baptist,
As meek as Moses,
As kind as Tabitha,
As faithful as Abraham,
As pure as Enoch,
As firm as Joshua,
As spirited as Elijah,
As zealous as Elisha,
As trusting as Esther,
As grieved as Jeremiah,
As vexed as Lot,
As bold as Hanniah, Mishael, and Azariah,
As loving as Ruth,
As courageous as Caleb,
As steadfast as Noah.

This and four times more, may the same spirit abide in me.
As Jesus was tempted in all points like me, yet without sin, 
Help me to become a consummate son,
As He is the complete example for us all, including me.
“Lord, Here am I. Send me!”
 Trevor Bowen