Trust Christ
Jesus could upset people and he
could say things that offended them. You couldn't always trust him to be
soft and tender but you could always depend on him--as C.S. Lewis would
put it--you could always depend on him to be good. If he said it was so
then it was so! And if it weren't so he would tell you. That's how he
When he spoke he knew what he was talking about and what he talked
about all the time was his Holy Father. He knew his Father well not only
because he was with him always, before the world was, but because he
lived in joy-filled and holy fellowship with him through the Holy
Spirit. His profound understanding of his Father was the result of that
loving communion and he showed his love for his Father in doing his
Father's will. He talked about that a lot.
If I were beginning my life with God all over again I'd give Jesus
himself my vote as the one to be trusted when all others might be
doubted. So I suggest that you steep yourself in the mind and ways and
words of Christ because he will definitely show you the Father. He
wasn't boasting when he said that anyone who saw him saw the Father and
that if they knew him they would know the Father (John 14). He was
assuring them and he gives us that assurance also.
Christ is the visible image of God so we can trust him to bring us to
the Father. God is like Christ, somebody said, and in him is no
unChristlkeness at all. I think that's a great way to put it. If you
hear smart people say strange things about God; things that unsettle
you, just say to yourself, "God is like Jesus Christ!" and then ask
yourself if what they said would be true of Christ. I know that's too
simple but it'll do to begin with.
Trust Christ when he says he is one with his Father. If we asked
someone to teach us about music we'd be happy if Bach or Beethoven or
Mozart said, "I will." If we asked someone to teach us about literature
we'd be pleased if Shakespeare or Dickens or Hugo said, "I will." If we
asked someone to teach us about God we should be thrilled beyond measure
when Jesus stands up and says, "I'll be happy to do that." Trust Christ
to teach you about God.